Tips to Run Faster Fast!

In this article I will discuss the best strength exercises and the best plyometric exercises to help you run faster fast so here we go!
Run Faster Drill #1

Strengthens your entire body, including the posterior chain, which is often affectionately referred to as "the sprinting engine". Increase your deadlift and you’ll soon be watching every movement you make in sports become a little quicker, a little more powerful and a whole lot better.

Run Faster Drill #2

This little-known exercise will build strong glutes and quadriceps, two GIANT muscles that you absolutely need to run faster.

Run Faster Drill #3
Captain Chair knee raises
Just a simple core training exercise, right? Well, not exactly…Knee raises are a great exercise that will teach you how to control and stabilize your mid-section. This in turn will allow you to better use your core in your sport, making your cuts a heck of a lot more explosive and your changes of direction a whole lot smoother.

Run Faster Drill #4
This exercise will also build strong powerful glutes and thighs.
Run Faster Drill #5
No, that’s not a typo. Although pull-ups are an upper-body strength training exercise, getting stronger at them will make you run faster. After talking to lots of well-known speed and strength coaches, and looking at my own experiences, I’ve found that the athletes who can do more chin-ups are almost always the fastest athletes around.

It’s likely because pull-ups are a great test of relative body strength (a major factor in how fast you’re going to be) and by being able to do a lot of them, you are able to display that exceptional relative body strength.
Basically, add 10 chin-ups to your repetition maximum and I can almost guarantee you’ll be running faster (also, upper body strength plays a small role in overall speed, lots of chin-ups will help that too).

Run Faster Drill #6
Hill Sprints or Resistance Sprints
1) sprint with some type of resistance if
no resistance can be attained a 80 yard hill can be used
2) maintain the sprint as long as possible the longer the
sprint is the more effective this exercise will be!

Run Faster Drill #7 Running in place
run as fast and as hard as possible, bring your knees high as you canrun until you are exhausted and can not run! You can use ankleweights once you have mastered this exercise! Great exercise for increasing jumping ability and speed. I can not say enough about this exercise!!!!!!!

Run Faster Drill Drill #10
Split Squat Jumps
squat down into a reverse lunge, explode of the leg that is forward
landing on the opposite leg and repeat. This exercise will make your legs sore!!
Great exercise to use a weighted vest for more info click here and will
make this exercise that  much more effective. This exercise will improve your explosivness!

Run Faster Drill Drill #11
Plyometric Pushups
start at the top of your push-up position, lower you body to the floor
push as hard as you can trying to clear as much space off the floor. This builds up great upperbody stength for jumping and sprinting after about 3 months you will know exactly what I am talking about do 1 to 2 sets at the end of your workout till failure! You can use a weighted vest for this exercise as well.

If you are the type of person would like to know how to incorporate this into a speed and quickness program you should definitely consider Truth About Quickness Insider’s System 2.0, which in my opinion is the ULTIMATE speed and quickness training program that’s ever been devised.

 About The Authors
Alex Maroko is the Co-Creator of The Truth About Quickness Insider’s System, the Internet’s Best-Selling Quickness Training Product, found at A Certified Personal Trainer and former college athlete, Alex is renowned worldwide for his ability to transform formerly weak and slow athletes into speed and quickness superstars who routinely dominate their competition.He has helped athletes from more than 30 countries across the globe learn the real secrets behind attaining blazing speed and lightning quickness, all in less than 10 minutes a day. To visit thier official website click here.