Recovery Tips to Jump Higher Faster

The sports supplement industry is a multi-billion dollar industry.This means that there is a wide variety of supplements in the market, most of which are bogus and full of false promises and guarantees. Nonetheless, their are a few great supplements that really help athletes recover better and improve performance and will help your to Jump Higher Faster with proper training and diet.With all the new supplements coming and going into the market, it has become increasingly difficult for athletes to sort out the good products from the bad ones .On this page, I will cut through the clutter and tell you what supplements you should buy, and what you should avoid at all cost.

Important Fact:
Supplements are not meant to replace your current diet. As their name suggests, they should only supplement your current diet. If you take supplements without a solid diet consisting of well balanced meals, you will not see any improvements in your vertical jump.
Great Supplements to Jump Higher
1. Whey Protein

Whey protein is the best kind of protein you can take. It is high quality protein that builds your muscles and helps you recover faster. This supplement is important especially if you train with weights. My whey protein of choice is the Dymatize Smooth Banana, but you can get it from any other reputable brands as well. I like Dynmatize becasue of the taste which I might add taste great!!!!!

2.Creatine is one of the most tested supplements in history, and it has been proven to improve athletic performance when it comes to strength events, speed, jumping higher. It works by making your muscles absorb more water and thereby helping you workout harder and longer. Creatine exists in several forms, but any form will work in the same way as long as it’s from a reputable brand. I personally use Beast Nutrition Creature.It has several forms of creatine and this product by far has been the best creatine for me personally. Currently you can buy on for 26.99 and will last you over 2 months if you just take four capsules a day and four capsules after your workouts.

3.Multivitamins are important for athletes who don’t get enough vitamins in their regular diets. If you’re not eating enough fruits and vegetables on a regular basis, you need to supplement your diet with multivitamins. They are important because they help ensure your body operates optimally and recovers properly.

The kind of supplements you should avoid at all costs are pretty obvious to spot. It’s those supplements that promise that you will gain X amount of inches without any form of working out.Seriously, if all we had to do to increase our vertical jump was to take these supplements and sit on the couch playing video games all day, we would ALL be pro athletes making millions of dollars!

Here is a list of supplements you should avoid at all cost:
Vertical Blast, Adenotrex, or any supplement recommended with a particular jump higher program other similar type ofsupplement.

Now, don’t get me wrong. These supplements usually contain creatine, and other chemicals that aid in training and recovery.They will therefore work if you use them together with a good vertical jump program. However, merely taking them without working out will not make you jump higher. If a jump program is pushing their own creatine supplement then dont buy it more often than not its full of fillers and its a low grade of protein or creatine, and they are probably over charging you for it to increase their profits!!!

There are literally thousands of places you can buy supplements from. You can buy them at your local health stores or on several websites online. Personally, I buy all my supplements from because they have low prices and extremely fast delivery. If you do not believe me compare prices at and your local GNC you are going to think GNC IS RIPPING YOU OFF!!!!!!

If you already have a solid diet consisting of well balanced meals, you do not need supplements to increase your vertical jump. However, most of us never have enough time to make and eat nutritious meals, so supplementing our diet is the next best option. I strongly recommend taking a protein supplement immediately after you workout to help your muscle recovery quicker from training. You could take it a step futher by taking a creatine supplement, I would highly recommend Beast Nutrtion Creature if you have the money to spend I experienced great results
Maximizing Your Bodys Hormones to Recover is another Key to Jumping Higher Fast!!!!

It's a common belief that if muscle soreness has eased and is now nonexsistent that you can train that muscle group again. However, researchers from the USA have shown that your muscles are still recovering from exercise even though they no longer feel sore.The study tracked a group of men and women who took part in an intense Jump Higher Program leg workout. Muscle soreness was measured in the days following exercise. Although the test subjects reported no soreness after 3 days, tests showed that the muscles showed signs of damage for up to 5 days after exercise. Muscle strength was also reduced for almost one week after training.One of the most common reasons for lack of results from training to jump higher is overtraining!!!!! If you train your muscles before they have recovered fully, they won't be able to adapt - which means little or no progress towards your goal of Jumping higher. In short, training each muscle group once each week (unlike the drug-assisted routines of professional athletes) is sufficient for you to make continued progress in both speed and power, and also ensures that you avoid overtraining. This is why I STRONGLY SUGGEST AFTER TRAINING TO GIVE YOUR BODY 2 DAYS OF REST BEFORE RETURNING TO TRAINING. If you are a beginner you are going to be sore for up to 4 days but not to worry just rest 3 days and have at it again. So people in short train a day then rest two days then train again then rest 2 days using this routine works so well for results and motivation! Also after 90 days of training it is also very smart to take off a full week! Trust me your body will thank you for it! Also we can take it a step further by maximizing our bodies hormones and how they work to Jump Higher Fast!
Hormone#1 Testosterone
Probably the most well known hormone, its primary role is muscle growth. It also helps to burn fat and establish your sexual identity. Testosterone causes muscle growth by directly stimulating protein synthesis. Women also produce testosterone but in much smaller amounts than men do which explains why men are naturally more muscular.
Fortunately, to some extent, testosterone levels can be controlled by the our diet and exercise levels. In order to support optimal testosterone levels your diet must be balanced and consist of plenty amounts of the B vitamins, vitamin C, zinc and manganese. When trying to jump higher, a high-fat intake is necessary to stimulate maximum testosterone production. The fat provides cholesterol, which is needed for testosterone synthesis. Plyometric aka Jump Higher training and short rest periods stimulate the production of higher than normal testosterone levels.

Tips to naturally increase Testosterone levels

Never train on consecutive days testosterone levels
Growth hormone promotes muscle building and fat loss. It works with testosterone to build muscle. GH helps to regenerate/strengthen our bones and connective tissue crucial to support increased muscle size and strength to help you jump higher. GH appears to affect every organ in the body, has been shown to support protein synthesis, a positive nitrogen balance, increased amino acid uptake, lipolysis (fat breakdown), stimulate cartilage growth, and enhance immune cell function.
It is released in response to low blood sugar levels caused by dieting, exercise or sleep. Once released, it promotes growth by increasing protein synthesis, and causing the release of IGF-1. It also promotes fat burning by moving stored fat into the bloodstream to be used as energy. This is its primary function and because of this fat burning effect, GH reduces the amount of protein that is used for fuel, so high GH levels will protect against muscle breakdown and loss.
How to naturally increase GH levels
Eat low glycemic carbohydrates to keep blood sugars low,especially before exercise and sleep.
Go to bed on an empty stomach. Meals heavy in carbohydrates produce insulin, which can help store fat. When insulin is being released it means no GH release.Get a good night’s sleep on a regular basis. Large amounts of GH are released during the first 30-70 minutes of sleep and take naps when needed. Eat a balanced diet with frequent meals 6 times daily. This will stabilize blood sugar levels. Meals should consist of Carbs, protein, fat. Reduce your intake of sugar. Excessive sugar intake can block activity of GH and stop the burning of fat for fuel. Cortisol is the most released at times of mental and physical stress. It is involved in the breakdown of muscle for energy and encourages the storage of fat which is bad for you if you want to jump higher. Cortisol converts amino acids to carbohydrates and prevents protein synthesis (muscle building). THIS IS THE MOSTcatabolic hormone in your body and one you must avoid if you want to jump higher and run faster!

Cortisol is a stresss hormone which causes your body to store fat and burn muscle! So to keep your cortisol levels in check get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. Your body needs sufficient rest or cortisol levels will elevate. Keep your workouts to a 30 minutes max excluding warm-up time. Working out longer than this will cause Cortisol levels in the body to skyrocket!! I SUGGEST KEEPING YOUR WORKOUTS TO 15 to 25 MINUTES MAX TO BE SAFE!! If you follow these steps when training and on your days off 365 days a year you will make huge gains in speed, quickness, fatloss, weight control, and not to mention you will be Jumping Higher than you ever thought possible.
stay low for a day or two before rising again, which is why you should always take two days off in between jump higher training sessions.
Dont drink Alcohol I know its sucks!!
Diets high in protein, cholesterol, fat, and saturated fat But do not over do it, you can consume up to 25 grams of saturated fat according to many well known dieticians and your diet is still considered healthy. Just make sure you are consuming alot of healthy fats found in avacodos, peanuts, fish, flaxseed oil, Olive oil, and peanut butters Sex, masturbation and erotic stimuli will cause an increase in testosterone so also so enjoy!Painkillers such as aspirin, marijuana, codeine will decrease T so stay away from these products as much as possible if you really want to Jump Higher than the competition.